“지금 네 주먹이 그린 원의 크기가 대충 너란 인간의 크기다. 그 원 안에 꼼짝않고 앉아서, 손 닿는 범위 안에 있는 것에만 손을 내밀고 가만히 있으면 넌 아무 상처없이 안전하게 살수 있다..(중략)...권투란 자기의 원을 자기 주먹으로 뚫고나가 원 밖에서 무언가를 빼앗아오고자 하는 행위다. 원 밖에는 강력한 놈들도 잔뜩 있어. 빼앗아 오기는커녕 상대방이 네 놈의 원 속으로 쳐들어와 소중한 것을 빼앗아갈 수도 있다. 게다가 당연한 일이지만 얻어맞으면 아플 것이고, 상대방을 때리는 것도 아픈 일이다. 아니 무엇보다 서로 주먹을 주고 받는다는 것은 무서운 일이다. 그런데도 넌 권투를 배우고 싶으냐? 원안에 가만히 있는 편이 편하고 좋을 텐데,”
                                        ---- 가네시로 가즈키  'go' 중에서
Hana Kim at her defense match
I was following a day of a boxer, Whawon. Her sparring partners have been always male boxers, there being none of female ones around. But now as a champion, she was helping a junior by being her sparring partner. She didn’t say a word while being attacked incessantly, but all of a sudden she shouted to the younger colleague, “Don’t close your eyes! Keep them open even when you are being hit!” 
But how could you, and why? You bleed, bite your tongue, your face swollen, your bones broken. But she says there’s something there. 
It’s often been said that to be born and to live as a woman in this country is like to being thrown to the ring with no gloves at all. That’s why though things seem to get better for women, still the rate of baby-girl abortions is very high causing serious gender imbalance in Korea. However, there are some girls who do look for their gloves (literally), and stand in the center of the ring. These are the faces I'm in love with, ready to be hit but to hit back as well. I might use the first part of Simon and Garfunkel’s song, ‘boxer’ changing just one word for my project. “I’m just a poor ‘girl’, though my story’s seldom told.”

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